Exfoliation is the key to healthy skin because it keeps the skin refreshed and in optimal condition to fight off bacteria and other environmental conditions. All skin types should exfoliate no more than 2 times per week and follow up with moisturizing lotion for hydration. As always, don’t forget the sunscreen!
Have any questions for the Skintician? Let me know in the comments below!

My name is Chandra Davis and I am the owner of NWÄR STUDIOS, INC. and the creator of NWÄR Skin, Inc. I am also the sole author of the blog #ASKTHESKINTICIAN, LLC. and I am excited to share my knowledge, experience, and expertise on all things skincare as it relates to the melanin-rich. As the Skintician, it is my mission to create diversity and inclusion in an industry that has historically excluded people of color from the conversations of beauty.