When you haven’t achieved that flawless, butter-smooth complexion you’ve always wanted (yet), it can be hard to love your skin as is. Here are a few tips to stay motivated.
Here we are, month two of the year 2020 and you haven’t seen or at least noticed any major changes in your skin’s complexion and tone. It can be all too frustrating to be following an influencer sponsored skincare regimen and not get that instant overnight result you’ve been expecting. Yes, kinfolk I understand your frustration and I feel your pain.
Though the journey to clear, even and healthy skin may be a long one (depending on how much damage you are trying to undo), I am here to tell you that you don’t have to wait until you’ve reached your goals to be happy with your skin. In the spirit of February’s theme of all things “love” this month, I am going to give you four easy steps to love the skin you’re in.

Photo Credit: Matheus Ferrero
Lower your expectations! I know that’s a terrible thing to say especially when everyone is telling you to level up in just about every aspect of your life, but in this case, fam’, you gotta get real and be honest with yourself. You can’t expect to undo, correct, fix and make right YEARS of damage overnight, or hell, even in a few months. Your skin is the largest organ in/on your body and its primary objective is to keep your insides safe from the outside elements. That being said, be patient. Your skin can’t heal and become whole again with a few at-home detoxifying masks and a couple of days of working out and eating right (that is if you are still staying true to your New Years Resolutions, ahem).
Obsess over the achievements you’ve made in your skincare game thus far and the fact that you look damn good right now flaws and all! You may not be where you want to be, but dammit you are on your way. That’s something to be proud of and the efforts you’ve made so far will get you to the next level.
Value your skin in its current state. While you may think your skin is dull, damaged, and a source of embarrassment, it’s been functioning and protecting your body since the day of your birth and you’ve been doing God knows what to it since. It’s withstood nature’s elements, Pinterest inspired DIY treatments, the “best” Sephora makeup products, and the latest Instagram beauty trends. Give it a break, allow it to heal on its own and know it’s going to be healthy and glowing in time, that is something I can promise.
Evaluate your current skincare game and see what is working and what isn’t. If you’ve been using products just for the sake of trying it and you aren’t sure why its a part of your routine, throw it out. I am going to be completely honest here, and say some of y’all are using TOO many beauty products! I mean unnecessarily too many. And you need to pull back ASAP. You don’t have to use EVERYTHING your favorite Youtube beauty maven is using (a lot of that is sponsored product anyways and of course that’s no shade coming from me), but keep your routine simple and start with a basic cleanser, moisturizer, and 30 SPF sunscreen. The use of exfoliants, toners, masks, and serums is cool and all (and of course I advocate them, I am an Esthetician after all) but if you don’t know how to properly pair your products based on your skincare goals and skin type, you are actually doing yourself and your skin a major disservice. Not to mention, wasting money, time and product (such a shame). So don’t be afraid to start with the basics even if you are a veteran in the skincare game, it will all work itself out.
So there it is! Four easy steps to loving the skin you’re in and it didn’t require the purchase of a new product or service, a new commitment to some expensive beauty routine or require you to physically remove yourself from the couch to achieve these goals. It’s probably the least complicated advice I will ever give and it’s advice that has worked for me personally and many of the clients in my practice.
Now that I have sent you a little tough love this Valentine’s season, I hope it’s encouraged you to embrace and love yourselves past your current flaws of your skin.
Much love!
From The Skinitician, Chandra Davis

My name is Chandra Davis and I am the owner of NWÄR STUDIOS, INC. and the creator of NWÄR Skin, Inc. I am also the sole author of the blog #ASKTHESKINTICIAN, LLC. and I am excited to share my knowledge, experience, and expertise on all things skincare as it relates to the melanin-rich. As the Skintician, it is my mission to create diversity and inclusion in an industry that has historically excluded people of color from the conversations of beauty.